DIY Distortion Pedal

Started by fuzzyhead, April 01, 2014, 01:02:59 PM

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Hey, I want to build a distortion pedal. Any recommendations? I will be using the pedal with a bass. So whether it a specific distortion pedal for bass or one that can be modded, it doesn't matter. (P.S. If it has been modded, I would appreciate it if you mention the mods you did).

Thanks Guys! 


I really like the Zvex Mastotron on bass :)

I tried a Green Russian Big Muff on bass and liked it too, but found that when I went to gig with it the bottom end kinda dropped out. I think adding a blend control would fix this (next project!).

One more idea: I tried a Boss ODB-3 overdrive but didn't really like it, too fizzy on most of the settings and a bit dull with highs rolled off. I think it may have had something to do with the amount of bass content present before clipping. It may be worth it to try removing more bass content from that or a similar pedal, and then adding a bass boost control after clipping to make sure it still sounds like a bass (next *next* project!).


Someone once told me about the bass player in his band using the Boss BD 2, but he had modified it with a clean blend for even better results. I was always wondering about it but haven't tried it yet.
"If I could make noise with anything, I was going to"

petey twofinger

i have tried a few things in serch of a good fuzz bass tone ,  bigmuffs are nice for this , but i settled for a paramix w/ a wooly mammoth . the bass uses actives so i also run an amz pick up sim . some dirt boxs hate actives so ... thats a nice thing about a simple old fashioned passive bass .

i like the paramix , i feel its a must  , but some guys hate em so .

i also really like germanium tone on bass . fuzz factory on this riverhead bass with a guitar pick up in it ... the tone controls set all goofy and the volume reduced a bit . same thing with the active bass , to get the best sound i find running the bass on 3/4 the treble killed , mostly neck pu , and like 1/3rd volume makes a huge difference , but ime , every rig is completely different . you CAN also mod stock boxs with larger cp values for more bass response , but i am sure this is all common knowledge .

it seemed a lot trickier than guitar dirt though , for me anyway , maybe picky is a better choice of words . good luck .

im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


Quote from: fuzzyhead on April 01, 2014, 01:02:59 PM
Hey, I want to build a distortion pedal. Any recommendations? I will be using the pedal with a bass.

Many/most distortion circuits presume guitar input. Even if you find a build that's optimized for bass, breadboard it first so that you can tweak it to your liking. If you have never used a breadboard, check out my How-To: