Compressor Attack & Release Control

Started by Zipporello, April 04, 2014, 02:53:59 PM

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Hi all,

i'll build a tonepad optical compressor like this:

my question is: can i "put" an attack controll & a release control in this circuit?

Really really thanks to all!!!   ;D ;D ;D



Why not build The Engineer's Thumb compressor?  It incorporates attack and release controls.  Do a search on the forum and you will find thirteen pages of commentary on it.  This is a great compressor!


The link isn't working, but I assume you've linked to their DOD clone.

Decay control: There's a 47uF between Q1 and Q2 on the schematic. Make it 100uF and put a 1M pot in parallel.

The attack control would be a pain to add, and I wouldn't bother since you can only make an LDR so fast anyway.
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


@KazooMan: tnx! i'll take a look ;) (but it isn't a optical compressor right?)
@midwayfair: you're right, it's a DOD clone.

thanks to all ;)


another question:

if i want to "put" a threshold control i think i'll connect a pot at pin 5 of the LM358, it is correct? 1M pot? 1k pot?

really really thanks!  ;)


No. Change the gain of the second op-amp.

But really, if you want a fully-adjustable compressor, there are *much* better plans. This one is great in its Simplicity.


@PRR: you're right, but i don't find a schematic or pcb for a good optical compressor. So, i'll have to substitute the 100K resistor with a pot between pin 6 and 7? 200K pot? 500k pot?

thanks!  ;D


You are correct, the Engineer's Thumb is not an optical compressor. 

I also couldn't't get the link to work, but I am assuming that it is to the " Dos Ochenta" optical compressor from that Tonepad site.  I built that one, and the Dynacomp clone.  I also built the three and five knobs versions of the ET. 

The five knob ET is best, then the thee knob version (the difference just being the added functionality, not the actual compression), then the Dynacomp clone, and finally the optical compressor.  IMHO