what is this potentiometer connector wire thing?

Started by acehobojoe, July 24, 2014, 07:10:38 PM

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I don't get why people are so resistant to using prototyping PC boards for one-off projects.  A board like this:

has a Cannon DE-9 connector pinout on one corner that should enable you to wire to the switches and pots through a cheap solder-pin DE-9 connector.  No pricey crimp machine (unless you want to use a crimp-style connector), available at Sayal in three board sizes and not outrageously expensive.  But you can attach a right-angle connector to any board, wire to its solder lugs and use a mating half for the flying leads.

You are not going to get a gas-tight crimp from anything but the correct tools whereas anyone can solder a connection.  Note: gas-tight refers to a test where hydrogen sulphide is introduced to a crimped connection which is later sectioned to see if there is any corrosion.  A gas-tight connection refers to a connection that is not corroded because the parts are cold-welded together.


"I want to build a delay, but I don't have the time."