Variable modulating 100k resistor for delay.

Started by acehobojoe, August 02, 2014, 07:09:24 PM

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A delay I am using has a time control, and I was wondering if I could couple the 100k time pot with a resistor that somehow varies at a set rate like vibrato. Anyone ever done this?


You could set up a blinking LED that shines onto a photo resistor. The timing could be controlled by a 555 timer.


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ok awesome, could that led also shine for the user to see?


it just needs to be something that ever so slightly modifies the time control. because too much would sound awful.


I was thinking, just a 555 timer adding a little of resistance to the already potted value.


If it was fast enough the "memory" of the photo resistor would be small enough to add in series to a 100k resistor (or whatever value) to achieve the effect you want.