A few questions about the TS10

Started by mremic01, January 12, 2015, 01:19:23 AM

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The TS10 is the "sleeper". Available on the used market for as low as $20 in working order, it differs from the TS9 In only a few ways:

   extra 220 ohm resistor in series with the (+) input of the clipping amp
   extra emitter follower in series from the input buffer amp to the JFET switch for the bypassed condition
   Different bias voltage for the input buffer transistor.

I recently opened up my OD808 to see if it really was a TS10, as Analogman claims, but I found that it doesn't have the 220R, it does have the TS9/10 output resistors, and it does have the extra emitter follower. The input buffer transistor runs off 9v. Basically, it's a TS9 when on and a TS10 when bypassed. So I'm curious about why the TS10 has this stuff.

- Why would they put the 220R in there? I assumed it wouldn't make any audible difference, but I haven't tried it in a build yet.
- What does the extra emitter follower do that would make it worth including in the OD808? Given that it's in front of the bypass, would it affect the sound of the thing at all when it's on?
- Can anyone confirm what the TS10 input buffer tranny is running on? This schematic has it as 9v, just like the OD808: http://www.freeinfosociety.com/electronics/schematics/audio/pictures/ibanezts10.gif

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