Molten Voltage MV-52 Tap tempo

Started by teej212, May 21, 2015, 12:06:32 PM

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anyone ever use one? happy with how it worked? thinking about using it instead of the tap tempo from electricdruid as it is quite a bit simpler


They do two totally different things, the electicdruid's is a taptempo controlled LFO, it gives you a range of different waveforms, triangle, sine etc. The MV-52 just gives you pulses at the tempo you tap, you can then use these to control something else, so unless that's all you need one can't replace the other.

I had an early version of the MV52 and it worked fine at what it did.


yeah all i need it for is to provide pulses to work as a clock. not interested in the wave shapes. 


I had the MV52B set up with a 4017 for a sequencer. Did it's job!