Help with creating vero layout for isolated output splitter

Started by canman, June 05, 2015, 10:16:27 PM

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Hey gang,

I've been trying to hone my layout creation technique, and while they aren't top notch, I'm getting better.  I thought I'd try a layout with transformers, but I'm a little confused.  I threw together the layout from this schematic:

I didn't include the power portion or the main out portion (just a resistor and 1/4" jack...and I'm going to use a voltage inverter with a 7660S charge pump for the -9v).  I hope that doesn't make a difference, but I figure as long as I can get -9v from somewhere it probably won't make a difference.

I'm a little hung up on the transformer.  The datasheet for the transformer shows a different schematic symbol than what is seen on the schematic.  And I couldn't find a transformer icon in the layout software, so I used two inductors.  Anyways, here is what I have:

How bad did I screw up?  Any input is greatly appreciated!!


After a real quick once over, it looks good to me. Well done.


You need to move the second 2M2 to the other side of the 10K input resistor: i.e. move DB down to DE.

Where is the 1K from pin 6 to the direct out?

L1 would be one transformer, L2 would be the other. Normally you designate the primary side with a P, but for the 42TM018 the primary and secondary are equal, so in this case you're OK not making that designation.

Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.


OK so wouldn't both 2M2 resistors need to move down three holes?  Thanks for pointing that out.

The 1K resistor to the direct out is omitted cuz I don't want to use a direct out, haha.


The schematic is showing a 2M2 on each side of the input resistor, so you just need to move one of them. If you prefer, you can move BB down to BE.
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.
