Fuse Rating for Pendulum SPS-1

Started by drummer4gc, April 26, 2016, 10:25:22 AM

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I've got a Pendulum SPS-1 rack unit with a blown fuse, and the markings on the fuse are unclear. Looks like 1F1A etched into the fuse, nothing about voltage. I'm guessing this means fast blow 1 amp, but wanted to verify with someone who may know better.

It also made me think about the broader question - how would one go about calculating an appropriate fuse rating for a piece of equipment like this? I read watts/volts * 1.25, which calculates amperage and gives room for error. However, the manual for this box says it puts out 10W, and at 120VAC means I'm looking at ~.1A. Am I missing something?



For small signal stuff such as this, the fuse rating is largely unrelated to the current draw of your circuit.  It's there to stop a fire happening.  And I would have guessed the same as you, based on the markings.
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