Wah Pedal Modifcation Problem

Started by Firetrot, May 02, 2016, 01:16:54 PM

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Hello All!

I have been modding a standard GC95 Crybaby wah pedal and I've recently run into a snag. Previously I modded it to be true bypass, and have indication LED's with no problems. I recently decided that I want to adjust the Q factor by replacing the 33K ohm resistor with a 100K ohm linear pot that I entered into the side of the chassis.

I bought some 100K pots and didn't notice until after I had received them that they each had six pins.

I soldered two wires into the holes where the resistor previously occupied, and then wired those two wires to the pot. (If you look at the pot to the right in the image as reference.) I soldered one wire to the bottom middle pin, and the other to the bottom right pin. I put everything back together, and there is no change. The wah pedal sounds like it should and everything works, but there is no change in "Q" when the knob is turned. What am I doing wrong here?



That is a dual pot, so you connected the two wires to two different pots. Remove the wire from the bottom right pin and attach it to the top right pin instead.

Oops, I misread your post. Are you sure you got a good connection on the board? Have you tried another pot? The one you got maybe faulty. Check it with a multimeter if you got one.
There is nothing more to be said or to be done tonight, so hand me over my violin and let us try to forget for half an hour the miserable weather and the still more miserable ways of our fellowmen. - Holmes


That is what I would to do with my Cry Baby, but I have still to place my order of the components.
That pot is dual, a regular pot would be more comfortable, though if you used just a line of yor pot it should work ok.

I quote, verify with your multimeter. Pay very attention with your ears to the sound, someone said this mod is subtle, someone instead chooses the "right" resistor value with much accuracy.
Indeed, I want to try this vocal mod by myself, and I still don't know what I have to expect from it.

Let us to know your progress, please.
«There is something even higher than the justice which you have been filled with. There is a human impulse known as mercy, a human act known as forgiveness.»
Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov's The Cave Of Steel