Silicon Fuzz Face - White noise, exceptionally hearable with gain all the way up

Started by rybelke, August 10, 2016, 12:54:25 PM

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Hello, everyone!

So I've decided to switch from BC109c to BC108c in my fuzz face builds. Now, with my new transisors all soldered (CDIL brand), a white noise is present all the time, and gets really loud when I turn the "fuzz" (gain, if you wish) knob all the way up.

Here's a (poor) sample:
In the sample, all I do is turning the fuzz knob. Changing the volume pot's value doesn't affect the noise.

I used this schematics:
with a 200pF cap added between the Base and Collector of the Q1, which seemed to get rid of the oscillation I had to deal with in my previous (BC109c) builds.
What can I do to get rid of this noise, with no effect on the gain?


That sounds suspiciously like 60Hz. Is this boxed? Is it powered by battery or a wall wort? You might try a low-pass filter for your 9V source (47R then 100uF to ground).
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.


It's not completely boxed, as the enclosure isn't ready yet. To check if it's about the shielding I've grounded the circuit to the non-drilled enclosure and put it inside without closing it completely - nothing seems to change. I might try the filter, the noise is so loud at the high end of the pot's range I highly doubt this will help.


This kind of problem is typical with high-gain silicon in the FF. Try adding a small snubbing cap (100 to 300 pf.) between Q2 B and C as well. You might also put a socket in place of Q2 and try a different device.