Can anybody confirm this looper/channel selector layout?

Started by pugkvlt, September 04, 2016, 03:08:08 PM

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Not well versed in 4pdt switching, so I was looking for some insight as to whether this would work to both switch an amp channel and engage a loop simultaneously. The amp uses a standard mono connection to switch channels. Can anybody confirm this would or wouldn't work?


yeah that'll almost work, the led is backwards in the drawing,(+side of led to sleve) but there is a little unnecessary bit, the led doesnt need both sides (ground and power to be switched)

you can just go, slv-----ledresistor---(- led leg) :icon_redface: (+led leg)--- to the pink dot
-then when the looper is switched to bypass, the tip(power) and +led leg will be unconnected and the led will be off.
no need to switch both the tip(power) and the sleve(ground) on and off of the led circuit, just one will open the led circuit and the led will be off... then you have an unused pole, you could have a different color 'on' led if you wanted...

it'll work the way you have it as long as you re-orient the led - side to the slv side, but you really only need to switch one side of the led not both...
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