Fuzz Face Rebuild issue

Started by FuzzLightyear, October 23, 2016, 01:30:15 AM

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Once upon a time, I had a very special FuzzFace. Then I dropped it in a puddle (street lake) while moving. So instead kf buying a new one, I thought I'd put my rusty EE technician fingers to the test and build a new one. Turns out, $6,000 on college didn't do much.

Anyway, my issue is this:
After building it once, i received no signal at all. Tore it apart and went at it a second time with another schematic. No luck, but did get a connection between my guitar and amp that was just hum. Frustrated with troubleshooting, I dug up this website and followed it down to the very pinhole number. (http://diy.smallbearelec.com/HowTos/BreadboardSiFF/BreadboardSiFF.htm)

Same issue.

I've trouble shooted for three days, running back when an idea pops into mind, but each time no luck. But these are my current observations to help:

1. The fuzz pot works
2. The volume pot does not
3. Jumping the input hot to the 0.01uf cap provides a thru signal
4. I've tried different transistors, two being 2N3904 & two being unmarked but potentially BC108
5. I just need my fuzz back

Photos located at this imgur link, as they're too wide to fit in a post here: http://imgur.com/gallery/Hi4pD


Welcome! I'm the author of that article, operator of a popular store and sometime contributor here. Looking at your pic, I Think the 8.2K resistor is going to battery negative. That would not work. Check out that connection. Suggestion: Your breadboarding technique is far from the worst I've seen, and it is not as clear as it might be. If you shorten up and square off connections, you'll find it easier to avoid mistakes, and other people will have an easier time helping you out.



It looks like a lot of tests. Especially since the FF is so interconnected. However do the tests and post the numbers. Sometimes a flaw jumps out.