input/output socket position and 3pdt

Started by preciousmolina666, February 17, 2017, 10:11:49 AM

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ive built a quad gain for my first chain im thinking if im going to put an 3pdt on it, and or use a big casing for input/output socket.

is there a crosstalk/osillation/noise if input socket and output socket near each other? and does the 3dpt itself?

I hate noise...


There sure can be.  In circuits with higher gain you can often have oscillation issues when the signal input to the pedal picks up interference from either the effect circuit input or output.  Having the effect input grounded when bypassed is certainly helpful. 
Lead dress certainly comes into play; you don't want signal wires running over a high gain circuit.  Should you find that you need to, shield them.  RG174 is a good recommendation for it's small diameter and weaved shield.


my position of my socket and 3pdt is like this

I hate noise...