Switching Pedalboard : Straight in Amp / FX Loop Ready

Started by njdelyster, August 17, 2017, 03:13:50 AM

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Recently while pondering pedal board setup and a pending amp purchase (one that has an FX loop) I started thinking through how I could make my board easily switchable between:

  • Line 1: Running all my board straight into the front end of the amp. I.e. Guitar > Effects > Amp Front End
  • Line 2: Splitting effects between Amp front end and FX Loop. I.e. Guitar > Effects 1 (Wah/Dirt/Comp/Mod) > Amp Preamp > Effects 2 FX Loop (Mod/Delay/Verb)

I play in some situations where I could utilize an FX loop and others where either the amp doesn't have a loop or it isn't feasible to run the cables. I generally run my amps clean and get gain from pedals however with the Mark 5 I'm about to buy I'd like to have the option of using the preamp gain as well. A Boss LS-2 makes this simple but my board is crammed (e.g. my EP booster is already taped underneath) and the idea of finding space for a Boss sized pedal doesn't excite me in the slightest.

While at a cafe I started drawing what this could look like (see image). Using a simple design (and importantly a very small box) I could wire up a switch that would sit on my board after Effects 1 that would allow me to select either Line 1 or 2 - a relatively straight forward loop.

What I'm not sure about is how I would combine the two lines to the output of box (the red question mark on the image). The first switch determines where the signal comes from (Line 1 or Line 2) so is it a simple case of soldering two wires together on the output? Or will I face issues doing that? In which case am I correct to assume I need a second switch in that position to select either Line 1 or Line 2.

Ideally, it'd be great for the box to have a single switch and not have to worry about two switches being properly engaged. What would be the best way to execute this and avoid any reduction in signal quality?


How about just using a pair of switching jacks?

Just four jacks in a box. Two normal jacks - one of them is always connected to the output of the last front-end effect, the other is always connected to the input of the first FX-loop effect.

When using an amp with an FX loop, the first switching jack goes to the amp input, the second one goes to the "send" jack on the amp, and the original output jack goes to the "return" jack on the amp. If you aren't using the amp's FX loop, don't connect anything to the extra jacks, and the jacks will automagically connect together.

No manual switching to remember, and no extra steps required when you set-up for the gig.
"I had an unfortunate combination of a very high-end medium-size system, with a "low price" phono preamp (external; this was the decade when phono was obsolete)."


Quote from: highwater on August 17, 2017, 11:23:18 PM
How about just using a pair of switching jacks?

Thanks dude - that's the perfect solution! I found a good write up on stinkfoot's site (http://stinkfoot.se/archives/1184). I spent a couple hours pouring through threads and found nothing until the switching jacks recommendation.