Building a programmable rack pedal switcher

Started by Esppse, March 01, 2018, 12:54:17 AM

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I own a couple of these like the Hex, and patchmate, but am in a pinch with funds and would like to build my own. Basically, all I need is midi for on and off of the true bypass loops.

I am looking to do at least 16 loops in one rack unit, like the sound sculpture switchblade.

I found this website here for something like what I'd want to make, however just double the number of loops.

Is there any more detailed information floating around to complete a project like this?

Thank you


Floating around?

There's a lot of info on how to drive relays to make bypass loops, a lot of which is over at

There is also info there on how to sub in CMOS analog switches for the relays.

In this forum, there is also a thread on using a video crossbar switch chip to make an N by N crossbar switch so you can with one chip get a 15-in, 15-out non-blocking any to any in any order patcher.

There is a fair amount of info on making MIDI happen with microcontrollers, which are your only good DIY path to a midi controlled patcher. You could maybe find a pre-build midi-to-relays box somewhere. Microchips has info on doing MIDI with the PIC series of controllers, and some web searching should turn up info on using PICs and other uCs as controllers. I'm pretty certain that there are apps for the Arduino and clones that would do the MIDI-to part of the thing for you, as well as possibly providing a screen or a bluetooth interface for the UI.

IMHO getting the UI right is the hardest part. As they say, it's A Simple Matter Of Programming.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Hmm Ive never attempted such a complex project before. The most is building preamps, but those were kits and came with detailed information. Do you guys know off hand the rough ballpark cost to build a 16 programmable switcher would be? I'm not sure if it's cost effective to attempt one, or buy 2 or 3 hex units.
