Arion DDS-1 delay repair

Started by belzrebuth, March 14, 2018, 06:26:39 PM

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Hi all,
I've got an arion dds-1 on the bench that was unable to power on.
The reverse protection diode right across the power plug was found shorted and now that I've replaced it I have about 59 ohms between the main power rail and ground.
The pedal draws approximately 500mA at 9V which seems like too much so there's probably a short somewhere.
The opamps I've tested are getting power so I think there's something wrong with a logic chip or even worse the main DSP (?) chip..
I've already desoldered a TC4066, a NE751 and a TMM4125 chip ( I don't know what the last one is) and checked for shorts but it's not there..
I've also desoldered a few electrolytics but they're fine.
Tantalums are fine too and I don't see any burned components (resistors,diodes etc)...
I haven't checked all the passives yet but I'll probably do that next..

I don't know if it's the only power rail this pedal has since I have no schematics for it..

Anybody has experience with this particular pedal?
Or maybe the schematics for it?

EDIT: Ι've desoldered two 6458d opamps that were getting hot and the current draw went down to 200mA.
I also have a 5534D and a upC803c that are getting hot too; so they're next..(though these are harder to find equivalents for)

I guess I should replace all the electrolytics too but if all opamps are shorted I think the custom arion chip may have gone south too and that's unobtainable afaik.



That's 4.5 Watts. Something in there should be getting HOT! I do not know the machine, but mostly all small-audio parts run cool to slightly warm, so any HOT is suspicious.