works great with lm741, almost with half of TL072???

Started by njkmonty, April 02, 2018, 08:39:43 AM

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Ive fabbed a board using LM741  running off +/- 13v  and works great.

out of curiousity I fabbed the same board again, (mainly to practice using eagle)   but instead replaced the Lm741, with smd TL072 (using only half)

It works perfectly except, I can hear a very slight audible buzz, (that other family members missed until I pointed it out to them)  and mainly heard on lower frequencies.
(this occured on all 3 boards i did.
i Traced the buzz back to the ic area right at the beginning of the circuit with an audio probe
I was wondering if anyone can see if I did something obvious in my conversion?
or if i should go back to LM741 in smd format?


Did you leave the other half of the TL072 floating? If you did, that'd explain it.


That's fine, in that case i'd hazard a guess it doesn't like driving that cap to ground straight on its output, I see what you've tried to do there but that's not its purpose on the original chip.


the lm741 version  works perfectly,

its the Tl072  (without the cap)    that has the issue


The TL072 has much higher frequency response than an LM741 so high-frequency oscillation could be the culprit.  Add a small capacitor across the 470 K resistor to add feedback lead.  22 pF should be OK for a rolloff of 15400 Hz.  The stage gain of 48 can lead to oscillation.


cheers I was thinking about that, was going to try a 100 pf     , but will adjust to advice,  will report back



It made a slight improvement. ( 25pf)
Even more with 100pf.  But still there


Could it be power noise finding its way into the input? The PCB layout will be different because of the different chip, and if it's SMT, you've only got a very tiny bit of PCB between the -V supply and that sensitive +ve input.

It might not be the different chip that's the problem, it might be the different layout.



good point!

going to do another layout and see what results i get