Tremulus Lune trouble

Started by DaveTV, April 18, 2004, 09:00:55 PM

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I think I may be experiencing the same problem with my Tremulus Lune that others have had. At some of the more extreme settings, like speed=slow, space=low, and smooth=low, I'm getting a repeating popping sound that follows the rate of the LFO.

I've found that the popping goes away when the pedal is followed by another pedal that's also turned on. Any idea what's happening here?


I had the exact same problem when I first build mine.  Here's what to do:

-Install a 0.001uF capacitor across the trimpot that adjusts the output volume of the pedal.

-Install a 100uF from V+ to ground.

That should eliminate the popping did on mine anyhow :)



Thanks so much Phillip. I tested out the .001uF cap across the trimpot and the clicking went away. Very cool. The 100uF cap is a good idea too. Now I just need to find a way squeeze these components onto an already crowded board.