Started by el duderino, May 08, 2004, 08:49:46 AM

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el duderino


as you can probly tell im extremly happy mainly because i just got my version of the TSA to work!!!>>>>> now i know what your thats an easy build and i would totally agree........ but i was working on this thing for a weak and it wouldnt work i was pretty pissed off so as a last restort i went back to it this morning 1 little magical touch and it WORKED!!!!!!!

so thanks to ANsil for his tutorial and advise!!!!
:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  

eamonn :lol:  8)
you can keep my finger nails clean

Marcos - Munky

Congratulations. Now you're in noise zone.

el duderino

yup its pretty noisey i still have to put it in a box.....]
im afraid to move it incase it dosnt work!!!!!!1 :shock:
you can keep my finger nails clean

{ antonio }

was there something wrong with the schematic?

shalom + godspeed.  antonio.


Congrats. 8)
 Yupp, all it takes is one little thing out of say hundreds and the whole shooting match goes down... :cry:
 That or you find some amazing new discovery...I don't know what the TSA is, but I 'bumped' into a 'mistake' that I later wired to a switch, I think it's like the TSA...a regeneration feedbacker...output fed back to input. I put a 100k on there to tweek it...really needs a smaller pot surrounded by resistors...a very touchy control...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

el duderino

Yeah the tsa stands for total sonic anhilation, put it in the box tonight and its pretty cool i used one of those old type knobs with the silver tops and i think we are going to paint it soon! 8)
you can keep my finger nails clean


Grrrr...!!! Total noiz in a box!
Keep in mind that you can replace the pot with a photo sensitive resistor so you can control it "a la theremin" style!

I think I must go grab my guitar... :)

PS. This pedal is from "Death by audio". Check their site, they have lots of noisy stuff...

el duderino

Oh thats cool is a photo sensitive resistor the same as a light dependent resistor??

i think i might be able to do it if they are the same!!! :?
you can keep my finger nails clean


Yeah Eamonn, go check out the death by audio website for some good ideas if you like noisemakers. I think its or something similar 8) They make some pretty cool stuff :mrgreen:
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


what was wrong with it? and can you give me the link to ansils' tutorial?

el duderino

helllo people,,

here is the link for ansils tutorial:

seems like dba have a new pedaol have you guys checked it out its some sort of fuzz the sites been updated also since i was there last

ah thats it its called the "soundwave breakdown" they have samples to :lol:
you can keep my finger nails clean

el duderino

the customs page there is pertty interesting to! 8)

you can keep my finger nails clean


Just like a pot on a switch that goes from output to input of an effect.
 This could go in the same box, with just a few wires, a switch and a pot...or am I missing something?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

el duderino

yup thats pretty much it of course it can be modded!! :D

but it beats paying 150 bucks and it sounds amazing with my blues breaker!!

oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh :P

you can keep my finger nails clean

el duderino

well its all painted and labeled so we should have some pictures up soon 8)

you can keep my finger nails clean


man, i've tried 3 other schematics of this thing, i hope this one works...
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women


Hey guys,
I'm new here so maybe I'm missing something...I've tried about 3 different links to the TSA tutorial that Ansil did and all of them lead nowhere.  Can anyone put me on the right track or at least email me a schematic?  Thanks for the help.
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