How do I Wire Trimpots?

Started by ED, May 30, 2004, 04:33:36 AM

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Does anyone have any information/diagrams i can get hold of about how to wire trimpots? I've never had to use them before. They look handy.

Solid State Amp = Shit house
Owner of Solid State Amp = Tone Deaf


It's the same as wiring as an ordinary pot. It also has three lugs. The schematic will tell you about how it is wired.

Trimpots are usually used in "set and forget it" type of any parametes that can be set by a potentiometer. Often, it is used as a variable resistor. Because the value of resistance is yet to be known, they will use a trimpot wired as variable resistor and they will just turn it till they get the desired value of resistance.

A pot wire as variable resistor has either lug1 or lug3 shorted to the second lug or wiper. It all depends on what is the orientation of the trimpot in the schem.
Oh yeah!