Started by jimbob, July 26, 2004, 06:51:09 PM

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Has anyone done this? = changing the ts-9 to the ts-808? Does it sound exact using the Tonepad directions? And..does anyone know if the new ts-9's have the jrc4558 in them?

Im thinking about getting the ts-9 and modding it if it means i dont have to screw with changing the op amp--not that i couldnt do it..I just dont wanna mess with it..
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


I did an opamp comparison b/w the jrc4558D and texas instruments RC4558P  in a  Ts808 clone I made and we also compared to an original ts808 with that rare texas instrument chip  (forgotten the no.)  with a bunch of guitarists watching on. The RC4558P was a lot smoother than the jrc4558D and at higher gain (I doubled the gain) retained clarity whereas the JRC4558D went alittle fuzzy and warm.
Comparing the RC4558D in my clone to the original ts808 it sounded almost identical except my clone had clightly more bottom end. Use the texas instruments chips, to my ears (and other players who were listening) it sounds better.


the new ts9 do not have a jrc4558 chip in em. So your best bet is to buy a ts9, desolder the ic and replace it with a socket. Then try a rc4558p a jrc4558d and one of those burr brown opamps and see what you like.

Fret Wire

The TS-9's usually come with the TA75558 IC. It is a rather poor sounding chip. The Tonepad photo essay is nicely done, and you could do it without changing the IC, but you won't notice much, if anything. All the 808 mod really does is swap the IC, and change output buffer stage to work better with tube amps. Most of what you notice after is because of replacing the 75558.

I would follow the advice already given, and use a socket. Try a JRC4558, RC4558, RC4559 (more distortion), and NE5532 (less noise). Between those four IC's, you'll find what you like. Then you can go on to other mods if you like.

BTW, speaking of mods, Keeley writes monthly articles for Musician's Hotline. This month, he has his true bypass mod.
Fret Wire
(Keyser Soze)