Re-read the FAQ, still confused about cap value

Started by vseriesamps, August 11, 2004, 02:24:54 AM

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I've read and reread all the FAQ materials on reading cap values and I can read almost everything in my toolbox but what's this one that just says "2200"? Is that 2200pf? or 220 plus the letter o? or something else?

It's the final cap mystery, somebody help me please!
uh oh


IF i remember correctly, if its unmarker, its usually pF.  I may be mistaken, though.  Good luck!  Peace n Love,

Peace 'n Love


Do you have a capacitance function on your multimeter? It can be very revealing finding out what the actual value of some caps are compared to their nominated values!



I would say 2200pf so move the decimal 6 places to the left and get:

.0022 uF,

a very useful cap!   :)


I have this little handy 'FF cap decimal point finder'.
 You have to be a little bit familiar with cap values/sounds...
 I just stick a cap in the input cap socket of the FF, and can tell very quickly whether its an .047uf, .47uf or .0047uf...the 10x difference in sound [decimal point difference] is very easy to recognize, then the numbers 'usually' make more sense..
Convention creates following, following creates convention.