ANyone have the EH schematcis that where at stonedtone?

Started by BillyJ, August 30, 2003, 07:12:54 PM

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I guess this site went away and it had some greta EH stuff I should have gotten while the getting was good.
ANyone have any of these?
EH Low Frequency Compressor
EH Dirt Road SPecial AMp
EH Frequency Analyzer
EH Pulsar PDF
EH Bass Balls PDF
EH Pulsar PDF

And anything else from that way cool site.
BTW anyone know if it is online in another incarnation?
That was a cool site. Thanks!!

Mike Nichting

I have a couple EH schematics if you want to email me I will send them to you.

"It's not pollution thats hurting the earth, it's the impurities in the water and air that are doing it".
Quoted from a Vice President Al Gore speech

Carlos Best


I have the bass balls schematic/layout.
email me