Electronics Tutorial for Newbies (and Oldies)

Started by cd, August 26, 2004, 05:43:04 PM

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You've never read Anderton's "Electronic Projects for Musicians" and/or have no intention of buying it?  Check out this tutorial:


Not everything is covered, but there's enough info there to keep you busy for a few hours (at least).  Though if you're like me, your brain goes to sleep any time an equation or math comes up, and magically re-awakens once the math is gone :) :)

There's also a bit on digital circuits, which is interesting for people like myself who know absolutely nothing about digital anything.



"Displaying my ignorance for the whole world to teach".

"Taste can be acquired, like knowledge. What you find bitter, or can't understand, now, you might appreciate later. If you keep trying".