Calling Charlie/Moosapotamus

Started by trescat, August 31, 2004, 07:00:38 PM

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Charlie/ Moosapotamus or anyone
I was checking out your/ Moosapotamus's stomboxes, the designs look real good, so I have been trying to do some designs of my own in MSPaint. I was just wondering how to get the text to change color depending on the background , like when a word stretches from a black background into a white background and the text changes color in contrast to the background,  see Moosapotamus's "Squelchy Squarefuzz". [/url]
Also how do you get the text to write on a 45 degree angle , if Charlie or anyone could enlighten me, it would be greatly appreciated, as I am only new to using the MSPaint and still don't know my way around it to well. Thanks in advance

Trevor :)