Using a pedal with a ldr in it to get volume/wah?

Started by shawsofhell, September 23, 2004, 03:26:13 AM

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I have an old organ volume pedal lying around that has a ldr/led combo in it and has min resistnace when fully forward. I was wondering if there are any circuits out there for using this in a volume/wah pedal? Could I maybe use it in one of the morley circuits?



I just modded my Morley Pro Wah so that it now has a volume function when "off".   Schematics are freely available from their site, which is weird (even for their new stuff).  

Look inside a morley pedal...  they use the same board for several effects.  All the labels layouts and traces are on the board, you just have to fill in the spaces....

But the tricky part is figuring out which jumpers to remove and/or move.