BS170 spice model?

Started by Alpha579, November 11, 2004, 11:30:58 PM

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does anyone have a spice model for a bs170 mosfet?
Thanx very much,
Alex Fiddes


that's what I have:

.SUBCKT BS170 1 2 3
* 1=drain  2=gate  3=source
Cgs  2 3 12.3E-12
Cgd1 2 4 27.4E-12
Cgd2 1 4 6E-12
M1 1 2 3 3 MOST1
M2 4 2 1 3 MOST2
D1 3 1 Dbody
.MODEL MOST1 NMOS(Level=3 Kp=20.78u W=9.7m L=2u Rs=20m Vto=2 Rd=1.186)
.MODEL MOST2 NMOS(VTO=-4.73 Kp=20.78u W=9.7m L=2u Rs=20m)
.MODEL Dbody D(Is=125f N=1.023 Rs=1.281 Ikf=18.01 Cjo=46.3p M=.3423
+            Vj=.4519 Bv=60 Ibv=10u Tt=161.6n)


i have Pspice libraries, email me if you want them.


hmmm, for some reason i cant get mosfets to work on mine...i always have to bring the gate voltage up to about 6-7v to turn the thing on...
Alex Fiddes