Boss Trigger switches

Started by airhole, November 21, 2004, 04:51:18 AM

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Hi there,

Been lurking for a few months, currently helping some friends repair their spoilt pedals...

Pedal in question is a SD-2 which has the Boss trigger switch (correct me if I am wrong)... any ideas where I might be able to get a replacement part for this? It seems that 'stomping' the switch will not let it trigger.

Thanks a bundle!



Steve at smallbear stocks "Boss" type switches !

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Under "parts shop", don´t know if it is harakiri price

But just happened to notice something about a dealer in Singapore, look for "news". Something like Misse Electronics. My mother used to have a cat named "Misse" ( :cry: our dog eated it so sad story I don´t want to think about it :cry: )

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Airhole, are you sure it is the switch?
You can test this by momentarily shorting the switch contacts.
Because, it might be an electronic fault! not the switch itself.


Hi Paul, yes, I tried shorting the switch and it triggers, that is how I came to that conclusion  :D

Hey Nasse, oh, i know the guy who brings in the Banzai stuff.. howver, he is on vacation currently, LOL! Thanks for your suggestion tho' :)

And guys! Thanks a lot, I will look for the parts!

:)  :D Cheers,