Whata Sound Otta B.

Started by petemoore, November 28, 2004, 12:34:29 PM

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This is just for purposes of discussion/suggestion/[IMO] 'nothing novel is set in stone'.
 1. 'That's 'it'" ['X' sound]
 2. 'That's cool'
 3. 'That's close enough and cool'
 These are fairly common approches I've used.
 I used approach 1 for the most part early on.
 The problem I had with 1 early on is:
 I never really felt I was getting exactly 'it'.
 I always used whatever got me closest to 'it', be that as it may, alot of the reason for using 1 was band demand, limited funds found a DIST+ [ochre] and Plexi, 30w celestions[...not the 'pri$ey' ones, better than the Sun Beta's tho], and DiMarzio Super D HB's being chosen for service.
 2. This approach, uses tubes with 'DIYness' on them seems to work just great, I've experienced' very few problems with this approach [that couldn't be overcome], with stunning results's [IMOBiased,ButObjectiveO]. Also, after developing methods to this approach, 1 more easily fell into place and worked much better.
 3. This is a combination of 1 and 2 that I use for Live Gigs. It allows fair replications of:
 70's Rock Sound: Med Vol. Grind / all around for mix with Vocals etc.
 60's Guitar Amp / Concert Sound [tangential phazed, Octaved etc.]...vocal mic may get turned toward guitar amp.
 [OT..er] Basic Clean to Clean Dirt sounds for Country / Pop etc....I have to have 'em...tube amp with reverb and nothing or booster does this fine.
 If you're band is doing like all hard rock, 1 works well for that, but I find it harder to have flexibility if everything is dialed for a perfect 'tusch' sound.
 When I played out last time, I used alot of GE FF sounds, a great general purpose Treble Booster / Thick Fuzz [the way this guitar/FF is setup]...I don't have to dance to put the fires out, the 'fire hose valve' is right on the guitar !!!
  Also used:
 Liquid Drive
 EZ Vibe
 [Art Digital Echo-Verb]
 'Keep yourself Alive' was gotten this afternoon [very close enough for me], satisfying a long ago forgotten goal of approach 1.
 EZVIBE>L.D.>SS Phaser [14.5v supply]>ART Proverb [sub something with more 'finesse' here if you have it]>MkII>4 Greenbacks.
 Very Satisfying Indeed !!!
 [I lost count, I think all Dual Oa's used are NE5534's]
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