SOT and old organ with a leslie in it... worthless?

Started by Brian Marshall, December 12, 2004, 09:12:03 PM

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Brian Marshall

anyone ever run in to an old Swinger/kimbal organ... or know anything about them

my friend was going to take it to goodwill.... he's not a musician... a relative gave it to him... his kids have been beating on it for a couple years.  its about 300lbs, and some of the switches and keys dont work very well.  I figure just dirty contacts.  its a swinger 2000

it has a leslie in it.... i figure that on its own is worth something....

I told him to hold on to it for a while and i'd see if i could find out if its worth anything either on its own or for parts


it's probably vauable 2 a Kimble collector.
Have U googled??
If it uses Top Octave Divider chips, some of the individual chips
are worth a small fortune....... :shock:
I know the MOSTek MK50240 goes 4 about 60bucks now.
Originally, it sold 4 $12.
TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!

Brian Marshall

i dont know exaclty what is in it..

little info on google on this model in preticular.

There is a crap load of circuit boards in it, many of which look similar or identical.... i suppose they are all oscilators... but dont really know.

i didnt see any ic's, but i did see a few epoxy or plasic case tranys with no markings except EBC.  lots of huge film caps... paper caps... a few cermics.  I saw no IC's which leads me to believe that its pretty old...   early 70's maybe?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Some organs are completely full of germanium transistors. Don't ask me how I know this :wink:
Anything with an actual Leslie has to be worth something to someone. If it has a bass keyboard section, that part is useful to DIY guys. Once all these old organs are trashed, they are going to be worth somethng, like analog synths were..


Just my .02

Even if you find out it's relativley worthless (you know, relative to a Hammond, for instance), I would at least pirate the Leslie guts and re-cabinet them.  That would be sweet.

Of course, that's if you can find it in yourself to hack an old organ--I might not be able to myself, unless it was trashed.

Let us know what happens, please.

Mark Hammer

The little Leslies that come in these organs are sweet.  You will most likely need a separate amplifier to drive it, and will have to build a cab for it, but they sound great with guitar.

The keyboards can be easily adapted to synth purposes.  The availability of simple one-board synth packages like the "Farm 921" (, the Sound Lab (, the various projects Tom Gamble has at his site (, or the PAiA Fatman, has made synth production a breeze.


nice link 4 the "FarmSynth"
had not seen that B4.
BTW, i still have my Gnome & OZ   :)

Brian,  can U get some jpgs of the Kimbal??
Like others have said,
the keyboard, & and bass pedals are probably reusable.
I see organ bass pedals on ebay lots of times.
Does it have a tube amp???
I C organ tube amps on ebay also.
The rotating speaker thing, would B Kewl...
Leslie is a trademark it's probably not an *actual* Leslie.
So, allinall, if U want 2 part it out, "recycle" it so2speak,
I'm sure U could find multiple homes 4 the parts.
U have 2 ask yourself:  do U feel lucky??
No, really...Is it worth your time??
Then, there's the 300LB issue............:shock:
TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!