Ruby Amp bass sound clips and pics

Started by SirPoonga, January 13, 2005, 10:57:00 PM

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Going to try one of these free file hosting sites.  There's a limit on bandwidth though, will probably max out for a couple of days as you all download ithem.


Nice nice...I like it 8)

Now in regards to the sound clips...first one is "I believe in a thing called love", and the second one would be a simple blues bass run, but what is the third...its pretty cool!

Cheers, and a job well done!


P.S. I like the bandaid tin...where'd you find it?


I'll have to get to a computer I can hear them again :)

I think in the second one I did the bass solo Jason Newstead did in the Cunning Stunts concert, some blues, and a range check (lowest note, highest note). If I didn't that's what I intended on doing.

The third one with the overdrive is just something I picked up somewhere on some lesson site.  I've only been playing bass for about 3 months.

I found the bandaid tin in my grandpa's garage.  We knew he stored most of his bolts and stuff in tins.  And Grandma hasn't thrown much out since he died.  There's actually quite a few different things I can use for enclosures.


Finally had to recharge the 9V battery.  Probably after about 30 hours of use.  Not bad for a rechargable battery.


I built a ruby and put my bass through it to see if it coped. With the drive on high it was instant Stanglers tone, so I played 'down in the sewer' for a while and then the battery ran out. My 17 year old son was well impressed and wants me to build him one in an old record player speaker!