LM383 Substitution

Started by littlegreiger, March 11, 2005, 08:15:56 PM

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Anyone know what I can use as a subsititution for an LM383?  I would really like to be able to get it from Small Bear.  I already know that  a TDA2003 will work but unfortunately Steve doesn't carry these.  Any help is greatly apprecitated.


Mark Hammer

I think the TDA2002 is also an acceptable sub.  Actually, a great many of the TDA power amp chips are essentially pin for pin compatible.  They may require different component values for the feedback and ground leg resistors (and accompanyng caps) but the layout/connections may be identical.  The power supply requirements will obviously be different for something providing 2 watts as opposed to 15-20 or more.

Check out the datasheets for the TDA2030, 2040, 2005, etc.  Chances are when you do a search for info on one of them you'll find a hit/link that lists a bucnh of them.


For a 10 watt alternative you can use an LM1875, and very available.


Anything from Smallbear? because I don't want to have to order parts from a bunch of places.
