List all of your favorite Fuzz Face tweaks!

Started by Karmasound, April 02, 2005, 04:03:42 PM

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I agree that it may be a different circuit, but I prefer it with a boost/hi impedence input in front of it.  Don't care much for the Wooly Face.

I subed a J201 as Q1 in a ToneBender and it worked great.   8)
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


swapping the 330/470 ohm resistor for a 1k-1k5 resistor (more output), and putting some diodes to ground at the end of the circuit can be cool too....on silicon FF's try germanium diodes, and on germ FF's try silicon....



heres a neat little mod ... ...use a DPDT footswitch and wire it up as shown, and you should be able to go from the higher gain sound that a 2k pot will allow, to a lower gain sound....i showed it with a 2k2 resistor, but you could use any value resistor desired in order to get the "lower" gain sound (or even wire another pot instead of the resistor, so you can have a fully variable lower gain stage)...this mod should "theoretically" work with MOST fuzzes :D
...just a thought...
