Voltage doubler problem: my LTC1044 blow!!!

Started by Fuzz, June 10, 2005, 09:19:40 AM

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Hi guys! I was trying to supply a pedalboard with something like...14 compact pedals with a single 9v-1,7A switching (regulated) adaptor. No problem at all.
So, one of these effects is a Jim Dunlop Univibe; it needs 18v. Good, I though, just use the voltage doubler from GEO.
So I picked up the circuit of the adaptor, placed it into a new box, and used two 3,5 jacks (female) as two power outputs: one directly from the circuit (8,95v), one with the voltage doubler circuit (17,8v). Measured with my DMM...great!!!
And now the big problem: THE MOMENT I PLUG THE 9V OUTPUT TO THE EFFECT CHAIN, MY LTC1044 BLOWS!!! Even with no current load at the 18v output (Univibe not plugged). Tried two ICs...both in the garbage now.  :shock:
I can't see the solution...PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you,


PS: how many mA can I ask to a 1044 IC?
"...the day I tried to win, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs..."


I plugged "LT1044 datasheet" into google and got a zillion hits on it, including the LT web site.

Looking at the web site, the LT1044 output looks like an approximately 80 ohm resistor.  You can parallel more of them for more current - highly likely in an application originally powered by its own transformer.

If I had to guess, I'd say that something about the jacks and grounding you have set up is reversing the applied voltage to the LT1044, but not knowing what you have wired, that is only a guess. There is no way to really tell without seeing both your schematic and the wiring.

The absolute maximum ratings on the datasheet are a guide to how to kill them instantly. I suspect that there is some artifact of your jacks and switching that is doing this.

What switching adapter are you using?

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.