tda2040 amp, how many amperes????

Started by plucky, July 29, 2005, 02:00:35 PM

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I'm building a tda2040 practice amp, with an eighteen as preamp, I'm gonna use a +/- 15v power supply and a 8 ohm 10"  speaker... I wonder how many amperes do I need for the power supply??????

The Tone God

Have you read the datasheet ?


Mark Hammer

You'll probably be safe with a 2 amp transformer.  You may not necessarily wring every last milliwatt out of the chip but you'll likely get as much power as you want or need.  You'd be suyrprised how loud 5 watts is into a 10" speaker.  Since your overall approach is to use the preamp stage to produce whatever distortion is produced, you can always follow the datasheet instructions to reduce gain a bit so that diming the input signal fed to the power stage does not overtax your power supply.


Thanks Mark... you're the best....
