My Tube Reamer mods

Started by squidsquad, August 11, 2005, 05:23:27 AM

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Gurus will pardon (or correct me) if this is old news. Newbees might appreciate.  Keep in mind, I understand a few basics...but am really just a tinkerer.  I believe *less is more*.  I use no LEDs to know if a pedal is ears tell me that.  And in this case, had no need to *dial in* distortion...I either want it...or don't.  And so,  here's how I used one of Aron's 3 pole switches on a TR:  
I built it with the *clean up* mods at first.  Found the spot where I got the cleanest boost...took out the pot & measured....and put a resistor of that value in place... pot gone.  Got a nice clean boost with a hint of compression.  Many of us leave boosters on all the time...and up fully.  So in one position....1: my signal goes thru the *clean* resistor. 2: bypasses the volume pot (straight to the out-jack).  And 3: bypasses the high pass filter. The other position= 1: no resistor (as in removing the 470K for full distortion).  2: engages the bass cut.  And 3: goes thru the volume control to balance w/the clean side.  Result:  clean boost on full all the time,  then full distortion w/only one knob to balance it.  No knob twisting while on stage!

One last thing I noticed:  I've had trouble whenever putting fuzz or overdrive into my EH Memory Man...I'd lose the matter what amount or volume I fed it.  I'm not talking about clipping.  The dry overwhelmed the wet.  Very frustrating.  For some reason (impedance??) the Tube Reamer...either clean or distorted....keeps the balance proper.

I be lovin it!