What is an AD-9 Ibanez Delay

Started by Stevo, October 23, 2005, 12:37:34 PM

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I have been playing DM-3 delays with my pedals and bought an AD-9 the other day ....it is a little different sounding as it seems to echo along a little longer..kinda fun!!   I know it has a compander in it what does that do? and what does it use for the delay BBD chip, is it the same as a Maxon  :icon_question:

Another stupid question is it worth getting another one as they are on sale a Musicians Friend because these may not be around much longer Thanks.. :icon_biggrin:

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BBD is a MN3205

These fella's are just reissued. Therefore, in a slightly different circuit config for the BBD's, the'll be around for quite some time.
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But not at diystompboxes.com...... regrettably


According to a Maxon 9 delay it is true bypass, with a 570 compander chip and the Mn3205 which says is out of production?????....Must be the same as the Ibanez Ad-9 than???...If the chip is out of production...... Panasonic.......wouldnt you think these are not going to be around for awhile to much longer even though they are just reissued maybe a year????   I think I should get another the chip is expensive at smallbear more than any other BBD chip wierd...I have heard from many sources that even though these big companys can hedge on a chip for awhile, it is only a matter of time since the company does not produce it to the general public...I have heard the EHX memoryman will not be around that much longer.....The companys have no interest in producing the product so special orders will just go up and up :icon_rolleyes:
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Quote from: Dirk_Hendrik on October 23, 2005, 02:23:05 PM
...BBD is a MN3205...
These fella's are just reissued....

interesting! Dirk - you got more info on that?


I seem to recall a page saying that the Ibanez used Shanghai-Belling chips and the Maxon used MN3205s.


What kind of chip is that?? ...I know the DM-3 uses a MN-3205 and another MN chip 3201 I think ....Does anybody have a scheme or specs on the AD-9...It is suppose to be an exact replica of the original, in the 80's ?
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 :icon_rolleyes:  I did some googling all i could get was that the BBD chip is from China and a new compander chip.. I guess it is the same circuit as a Maxon with cheaper parts... Someone said on another forum to get the Maxon...at double the price I will enjoy my AD-9 and my DM-3"s  :icon_rolleyes:
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