Spaghetti Western FUZZ

Started by markm, May 22, 2006, 09:12:47 PM

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My Fuzzrite with LOTS of reverb gets pretty close to that tone. ALso I've found that a lot of reverb into an overdriven amp gives me a similar result.

Don't forget he used a baritone guitar on many of those tunes.

I have an Ennio Morricone folder on my desktop with all my favorite Spaghetti Western music :)



For some reason I keep thinking baritone guitar.


Well...I like The Good, The Bad & The Ugly theme so much....The Turtles have used it to open their concerts for a dozen years!
But our bassist quit...the guy from New York doesn't know the changes...the end of an era (sigh).
I also LOVE the way they kick the reverb for musical/emotional punctuation...SO cool!


 Need a bass player?  :icon_twisted: Just kidding!  :D

Yeah, I would imagine FZ1(or similar)+ reverb would be the way they got that kinda sound sound.

Baritone guitar somehow brings to mind the flatwound muted sound of the Munsters theme...
I am not responsible for your imagination.

tiges_ tendres

Quote from: Wimpy on May 02, 2008, 10:31:46 AM

Didnt someone speak to the guitarist that worked the session for that song?  I think the guy said it was a strat into a marshall combo, with a little outboard sweetening, but no pedals!

Another fuzz sound in the same vein:  Andy Williams, music to watch girls by.
Try a little tenderness.


I emailed  Bruno Battisti D'Amario last wek. no answer :(. I can't speak italiano though ...


The reverb in good .bad .ugly is really drippy and long too, like a plate, or echo chamber, and i agree about hearing phase anomalies and 'motion' in there .  One of my favorite movies too... aaaEEEaaaEEEaaahhh...  wah Wah  wahhh.....
i would do a treble booster into a  slightly saturated tube amp with lots of reverb (lots).
maybee add a little warble with a bit of chorus or flanger ?
you could probably get in the neighborhood with a wah pedal if it had a nice puchy spot with cutting treble, and lots of reverb  (lots).
wear a cowboy hat and keep yo guns loaded when you play it.
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Today I tried running my wah pedal, rocked fully forwards so it's all treble, into my Thor set pretty low, plus lots of reverb, and I think It nailed the spaghetti western buzzy/metallic twang.
