Uglyface Threshold Sens/Envelope problem

Started by BillyJ, September 12, 2003, 09:47:57 PM

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The threshold goes into oscilation at about half way.
Also and more disturbing is the Sens/evelope just isn't there at all.
I had to use a bi-polar cap for the 2.2 mfd just before the sensitivity pot and am wondering if that is the problem?
The thing sounds awesome besides.
I hope I didn't mess up the vactrol or something. Are these especially sensitive to heat?
I have begun the keen rundown on it but had to ask about that cap knowing I subbed it.
Thanks for any insight!


I have killed a vactrol just by looking at it funny, so I would say that it's worth checking that.

I built one straight from the schematic and it worked very well.

The threshold goes into oscillation about half way on mine as well. That's part of the sound, as far as I'm concerned.


Tim Escobedo

The Threshold will turn the effect into a oscillator, usually around the halfway point.

I've never killed a Vactrol. But I suppose the LED is as sensitive as any, and might fail if soldered too hot or too much current goes through it. It may be possible that the LED is oriented incorrectly. If installed backward, it won't work.


Cool. I am gonna mess with it in a little bit.
If I fried the vactrol can I use a VTL5C2 with any good results.
They are all I have left unless I craft one......
I will be messing with it this afternoon.
Sick pedal BTW for anyone wondering. :O)

Tim Escobedo

I've tried three different Vactrols (VTL5C1, VTL5C2, VTL5C3), all worked OK. The VTL5C3 semed to have the longest LDR decay.


Hmmm...Well I swapped out the vactrol and put a sock in there.
ALso found I had lost part of a solder pad on one of the the vactrols leads so I carefully bridged it...
Swapped out that cap too just because I ws in there.
Fired it up and viola I had envelope. Sweet sick sound!
Decided maybe it was just that bad pad and tried the old vactrol in it.
Envelope gone and I had shitty sound until the 555 fried itself.....
Other vactrol and new 555 sounds like shit. Decided to yank the power before I blew it if I didn't already.
What to do now???


I built a second one. This one is much better but now I get high pitched oscilation when I turn the frequency pot all the way down. Turned up just a little and it works fine. Weird... I wonder if I burned the pot.
Both vactrols work in it. Your right the VTL5C3 does have a longer decay than the 2's I have. I like it much better :o)

