looking for ultra simple leslie-effect type circuit

Started by guitarleeman, September 05, 2006, 03:42:41 PM

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Hey Guitarleeman,

Check into this.  Maybe this is what you're looking for.  I've bench tested it and it pretty cool.




I don't think this qualifies as simple but if you already have these it works kinda-sorta.  I achieved a nice Leslie sim by connecting my phase 45 and EZ Vibe and Pulsar together.  Set the P-45 for strongest phase(Medium speed).  The EZ for strongest wobble(slower than medium speed.)  And Pulsar set to triangle with the strength knob set for weakest setting.  Then I play with the Pulsar speed knob to simulate rotation speed.  My wifes brothers been looking for a Leslie and when he heard this he asked me to build them for him with a footswictch speed control.  I had to turn him down though.  Too much work with perfing everything like I do.  Would be cool to put it all in one box with a couple of foot controllers and call it (THE NEW LESLIE SIM).  Only $800.00 LOL!!


Quote from: Mark Hammer on September 06, 2006, 03:02:29 PMPercussionists situated diagonally from each other generally played the same content on the same percussion instruments.  The music was written so that at some points the six percussionists produced a virtual "propeller" that went around and around, as pairs of percussionists traded riffs and passed off to each other in rapid succession.  At other times, the percussionists would take turns so that the music moved around the perimeter of the room.

If I may be so pedantic, it was, in a word or two, pretty nifty stuff.  I guess eventhe serious composers were listening to Pink Floyd in those days! :icon_lol:

I need my eyes testing, I read the bit preceding this as '6 percussionists with full kilts'!

What you've described sounds like a more complicated version of 'hocketing' Mark.  Examples can be found in world music, but in Western music its hayday was during the Medieval period.  Church choirs were divided into two and words/syllables divided between the left and right speakers groups.  The sound would bounce back and forth creating a stereo pan effect.  Nothing is new, though that percussion piece sounds like a pretty cool variation.
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


.....I built the Unimod from this site it at least does the panning thing-www.schematicsforfree.com it is a bit hard to find; I think it is under MISC, then open "SOUND EFFECTS"-its called the "Unimod Sound Effects Generator"and you can get it to do tremolo, stereo panning, and will go fast enough to make it sound like a ring mod.......I am still in the process of clearing up the schematic and layout.....


....i made a mistake-its not an FTP access-try this: www.schematicsforfree.comand you should find it in Misc, then Sound effects.....


 Woah! That Lera is unlike anything I've ever seen! Might be just the thing. Adresses most of the issues involved. And I do have a flanger buried in my 'pedals I don't use' box...
The Unimod also looks like a very cool modulation effect.
You guys are the best!
I am not responsible for your imagination.