Tonemender question, is it capable of boosting/cutting or just cuting?

Started by Morocotopo, September 06, 2006, 09:56:42 PM

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 What the title says, I´m not sure if the three bands are capable of boosting/cutting the freqs or just cutting. I built a BSIAB II, great sound, but I want more tonal control, so I´m thinking of putting a Tonemender at the output. Or it works like a fender tonestack, that just cuts? The idea is to put everything in the same pedal, maybe switchable between:
BSIAB --> Tonemender / BSIAB alone / Tonemender alone.

Call it The Tone Twister, or something like that...





In principle, all tone control filters are 'cut' controls, removing components from the audio spectrum. However, since the Tonemenderhas a gain-recovery (boost) stage at the end, it can be set up as though it offers both cut and boost. Brian discusses how the controls work right at the end of the text.


You should experiment with Duncan's Tonestack calculator to see the kind curves you are likely to get.

In this case, the curves it can produce well, apart from the flat condition, are smiles and mis dips, shelving treble, and shelving bass to a limited extent.  No frowns or mid humps.

Use the TSC and you'll see what I mean.