Tonepad Tubesreamer

Started by elpucho, February 14, 2007, 11:05:42 AM

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Hi everyone,

I've just finished building a Tubescreamer using the Tonepad layout, and have a few queries.

I've measured some voltages:

Battery - 9.16v

Q1 C-9.16v B-3.47v E-2.95v
Q2 C-9.16v B-3.16v E-2.61v

Pin1  4.54v
Pin2  4.65v
Pin3  4.55v
Pin4  0.00v
Pin5  4.54v
Pin6  4.54v
Pin7  4.54v
Pin8  9.16v

The only suggested readings I have seen is on General Guitar Gadgets, where it suggests that my Q readings are out, but when i check the Tonepad layout it seems +9v goes straight into the collector of both Q1, and 2 (and should therefore be 9.16v?).  I'm not sure if using the GGG voltages would apply to me as I used the Tonepad layout.

The 2nd thing I wanted to ask about was diodes.  If I use either a 1n914, 1n4001 or 1n4002 they all seem to clip, but if I try and use a 1n34a or an LED I lose all my distortion.

If anyone has any ideas, or suggestions I'd be very grateful, I've spent a few days trying to figure out if these are "problems" or not.


did you measure the sound with you ears-o-scope? how did it turn out?



for the diodes it's perfectly normal... people who wants less dist and more overdrive sound change the diodes for LEDs or higher clipping dioes...  ;)