Tonemender quick question

Started by solarplexus, April 13, 2007, 11:27:34 AM

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I'd just like to know if I can replace the 500kA pots with 1M-A pots without doing much difference ? ??

Or I could put a 470k resistor to put it down to approx 500K right??  Which lug the resistor goes ??

Thanks for your help!!

DIY Poser.


I decided to build the Tonemender anyways with 2 1m-A pots instead of the 500K-A ...  The unit works,  BUT the 500K-B pot (treble) gives me some problems... Everytime I touch the pot it hum like if it lacks a good ground... however, I checked every connection carefully and there seems to be no problems anywhere...

Do you have any idea what could cause this?? would it be because I used 1M pots instead of 500K pots for Bass and Volume ?

Any help would be really appreciated!


DIY Poser.