Tonepad Tubscreamer quick question

Started by solarplexus, October 20, 2007, 05:10:32 PM

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Hi there,

just wondering if the Tone pot has to be 20k-W like regular tube screamers or this version has been changed to a regular 20K-B ??  Cause on the pdf it shows 20k-B and I'm wondering if it's an error or not ?

Thanks for the help,

DIY Poser.


FWIW: I just built a Tube Screamer based on the Tonepad layout, used a regular linear 25k pot for tone control -- sounded just fine.  Wasn't listening specifically for this, but it seemed to have very similar rate of tone change through the pot's movement as my "stock" Ibanez TS...

What is the taper is indicated by the "g" or "w" code, anyways?  A variation of log?

- Jay

"I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work." -T. Edison
The Happy Household; The Young Flyers; Derailleur


I believe that W is for reverse log, they are usually used in regular TS, in the SD-1 and the ZW pedals... so I was wondering why it is not used in that particular TS build ?  ???
DIY Poser.

Linear works fine for me. I haven't tried the 'G' taper that small bear sells. : Effect PCB Layout artwork classics and originals :