Runaway Orange Squeezer...and flaming pot

Started by Zben3129, January 27, 2008, 11:44:24 PM

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Built an Orange Squeezer,
Amount of hiss increases the longer its on
Now it is at a ton of hiss no matter how long it is on for
Noticed when I was turning pot it didnt do anything (sustain)
also noticed a burning smell
Inside that pot when it reached dead zone, there was bright sparks.
Now the sparks are much less and it doesnt smell
but tons and tons of hiss and noise

Could it be the pot?

Sorry for the typing, just finished an ap application
Any more complete sentences of structure tonight and i'm dead



there is DC voltage going to the pot is my guess. too much of that will fry a pot pretty quick. also it sounds like you could have applied AC voltage instead of DC.


i was thinking the same .. i built one and had noise problems ... turned out to be the power supply wasnt usuable .. worked with other pedal but gave noise on the os ... used a better power supply and it stopped ...b
Ben P

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Therhe is definitely a wiring mistake.
I have set fire to pots myself - if there is a direct path from power rail to ground via the wiper and one end of the pot, that will do it.
And if the path runs via a transistor through the emitter and base, it will fry the transistor as well. :icon_sad: