Tube radio component identification.

Started by Albot, February 25, 2008, 05:30:47 AM

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It's kinda not directly about stompboxes although I'm going to salvage parts for stompboxes from the old radio.
I've found some nice mojo stuff in thiese although i can't identify a part.
It looks like a small pipe with two leads in one end and they are all marked with "100A"
They look like this
What are they?


Stick of dynamite :)

I donno though, 100 amp fuse  :P

Could be a decoy part. Once you salvage it, check it for resistance.

Could be some kind of cap or inductor, but the marking just doesn't make any sense.

PS. If you are looking to ditch the PT, OT, Chassis, or filter caps, lemme know



Thought about a fuse too but there are quite alot of them in there  ::)
Decoy part? does this happen often? never hard of any decoy parts before.
Got another tube radio that i'd like to restore and it's full of thise too even though it's a different maker.
I'll pull one out and check for resistance as you advised.


I got a reading of over 2mohm on the red thingie got some flickering numbers before my multimeter thought it was too much (end of scale) so t his makes me think it's not an open circiut.
No DC reading so i guess it's not a cap.
Maybe a broken fuse or an inductor or something.


Decoy parts = what we put in our boxes to confuse the copyists in China ;o)  Can be a broken transistor that goes nowhere, resistors that do nothing, etc.   RJ has an article about it on Geofex, IIRC.

Your part: my guess, maybe they are inductors?  But 2M is really high.  Can you check to see if they're caps?  Really weird, man! 
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


flickering numbers and out of range is typical of capacitors, but those look too small...
a 1000uF cap takes less than 2 seconds to go out of my DMM scale, and is much bigger than your red sticks. what about finding an application sheet of that tube and see what pin is what?
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.


since it's a radio, I would guess a small inductor..simply a few turns of wire around a ferit core, then dipped in epoxy for stability...if so, they would probably measure a few ohm's..


Probably a coil, but I have seen wire wound resistors like that in tube radios.
Also have seen them in tube organs.
I gutted one for parts recently and got alot of good stuff!




Oh do you have any liks or information on this?
Would love to lern how to read the codes on thiese.
Found one with "A7A" on it too.