super easy mn3207 circuit?

Started by loss1234, May 03, 2008, 06:42:50 PM

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i have been looking over A LOT of mn3207 circuits in the last 2 days and many of them are OLD (so they are hard to read) or many of them have very confusing layouts. (which dont feel like the best place to START understanding this chip)

Basically I am looking for a circuit that will make super clear the connections between the mn3207 and the mn3102 (which the zombie chorus doesnt have) as well as the voltage setup.

I am open to ANYTHING. I have searched this forum and read most of the posts related to the mn3207. surprisingly, there arent that many RECENT schematics related to the chip. is there a reason why?

even the datasheet schematic is messed up in that it uses panasonic an6550s which arent too common and dont exactly adhere to the regular pinout.

thanks a lot