slight miss with drilling

Started by fogwolf, June 02, 2008, 11:53:53 PM

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I just finished drilling up a PCB and one of the holes wasn't 100% within the copper pad - it's 1/2 on and 1/2 off - is my board just shot and should I start over or if I solder the lead against the side of the hole that's within the copper will this be okay? Thanks!


just bent the lead over the the pad and solder it. it will be fine as long as it makes good contact


Should be fine as long as you don't solder a bridge off the pad and you can get a clean solder between the lead and the pad.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

That's nothing, I goe a batch of boards done commercially once & ALL the holes were 'off' by half a diameter. Plus there was resist involved, so there wasn't much left to work with.. but, I got the circuits done & they worked fine. Changed my PCB supplier after that!