solder pen? any such thing?

Started by lerxst88, August 03, 2008, 12:56:40 AM

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hey i was at fry's electronics and i think i saw this pen where you can draw connections on a pc board between components like this ( ) does this sounds plausible and would you suggest it? how else can i make lines like this on my pc board? thanks!


If it ain't broke... will be soon.


looks good except for two things.

any suppliers in the US?

and isnt 21 pounds like $40 or something!?


You can get conductive pens from pretty much any of the major distributors like Mouser. You may have seen the right thing at Fry's as well, though I haven't been there so I can't say for sure.
I'm not so sure about using one to draw a board from scratch, though. I think they're intended more for fixing small breaks in tracks than actually drawing the whole board.
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Quote from: soulsonic on August 03, 2008, 03:08:46 AM
I'm not so sure about using one to draw a board from scratch, though. I think they're intended more for fixing small breaks in tracks than actually drawing the whole board.

I usually find that when it comes to electronics, anything sold in pen form usually contains little liquid.  I'd recommend giving the pen a shake to test for this (It'll probably feel empty) before handing over twenty quid.

Yeah, more of a quick fix/repair thing I should think.
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


I know what you're thinking, and it won't least not well.   ;)

You get poor connections drawing from component to component, and you cant really solder to the ink.

This comes up every 6 months or so. You should get some hits on search using the term "conductive".