Tonepad Red Llama build super loud

Started by reb, September 02, 2008, 03:22:27 PM

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Do these hit unity volume with the level at 25%?  Mine has no part substitutions & is super loud. 


  I don't think yours does, would you like it to ?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


mine hits unity just before 12 o clock. so I'd say you're not too far off.


Mine hits unity at about 9 o'clock.  12 noon would be preferable.

Mark Hammer

Keep in mind that:

a) Even among pots with the same nominal taper type (log, lin, rev log) and resistance value there are variations within tolerance.  So pick any two 100k log pots from the same bin and pot A may be 99.3k while pot B is 91.8k, pot A reaches 10% max resistance at 40% rotation while pot B reaches 10% of total resistance at 55% rotation.

b) Neither of you guys has any sense of how the other one set up their knobs.  Are you min/max points of knob rotation equal to the 7:00 and 5:00 positions or do you have pots and knobs that start at 7:30 and don't allow you to turn past 4:00?  Pots vary in how much rotation they permit, and knobs are adjusted with set screws according to how you sight them and tighten them.  I'm sure I'm not the first person in the world to install a pot with the lugs needing to be pointed a little off to the side, only to find out that the, unless I move the knob and pointer over a bit, the set screw will go right into the split in the middle of the shaft and never really tightern up properly.


Well then I will say that my Llama is a lot louder than most of my other effects. Transistor based overdrives and fuzzes seem to need to be at the end of the pot travel to hit unity.


I've built 2; one was SUPER loud (for whatever reason) and one was not as loud, but still quite loud.  It seems that there's something about the Llama that lends itself to too much output sometimes.  I say put that extra volume to work.  How about a 3 band tone stack?  Or possibly explore some diode clipping options?  Too much is better than not enough.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH

John Lyons

Tack a 100K pot hooked up as a variable resistance from wiper to ground on the volume pot.
Adjust the temporary new pot until you get "unity" from the volume pot at 12 noon (straight up).
Unplug the pedal and measure the temporary pots resistance.
Take out the temporary pot and put in a fixed resistor of the resistance you measured (across the wiper and ground_.
Voila! Just a matter of tapering really.


Basic Audio Pedals


Looking at the datasheet of the CD4049 inverter, it seems to me that these units differ a lot. That might also be one of the causes of the different behavior between two units, built with the "same" components.



does anybody know which 4049 version Jeorge used?